Mancocuma stellifera is found in nearshore subtidal sands from the Gulf of St. Lawrence south to Cape Ann. Massachusetts, with abundance as high as 4000/0.1 m2 in coastal New Hampshire habitats. The species has two generations yearly, with maximum recruitment during June and early fall. Pre-copulatory behavior with opposed orientation of the sexes is unique for the Cumacea. Seasonal distribution data from New Hampshire and Maine to a depth of 7 m below MLW level showed over 90% of the population shallower than the 4-m depth, and abundance maxima at 1–2 m. Manca stages and older juveniles made up most of the population at 5- to 7-m depths during summer months, with manca stages the predominant life stage in night surf plankton tows during peak recruitment. SCUBA and laboratory observations indicated that the species burrows in superficial sand where it is an epistrate and detritus feeder.

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