The GLC behaviour of methyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids representing cis and trans Δ9, Δ12 and Δ15 isomers of six mono-, twelve di- and eight triethylenic acids has been compared on open-tubular columns coated with butanediolsuccinate polyester, or SILAR-5CP (a 50% Cyanopropyl, 50% Phenyl substituted silicone), or Apiezon-L. The parent all-cis triethylenic acid was partially converted to geometrical isomer mixtures by steam deodorization technology or by nitrous acid catalyst and the products were further treated by hydrazine reduction to yield mono- and diethylenic products. Under the operating conditions employed, trans unsaturation alone or with cis compounds reduces elution times sufficiently on SILAR-5CP phase relative to butanediolsuccinate to permit identification by the approach of small peak shifts on two polar phases of slightly differing polarity. Apiezon-L was less successful with complex mixtures owing to overlap among components of varying degress of unsaturation.