The gamma ray spectra following the decay of 85Y isomers (2.68 h and 4.8 h) have been investigated. The previously proposed doublets at 614, 1400 and 2120 keV and several other unreported structures have been clearly resolved. Sixteen new gamma rays have been identified in the decay work and comparatively accurate values for the energies and the relative intensities of the observed transitions are presented. In addition, in-beam gamma ray measurements following the 85Rb(p,n gamma )85Sr reaction have been made at an incident proton energy of 3.8 MeV. 23 levels have been proposed through decay studies, of which 12 levels below 1.6 MeV excitation in 85Sr are evidenced by (p,n gamma ) measurements. New levels are proposed at energies of 785.4, 936.9, 1398.0, 1588.5, 1987.6, 2086.0, 2165.8 and 2748.4 keV. From the deduced log ft values and the observed gamma decay modes, probable Jpi assignments for the levels in 85Sr have been made. The level structure is compared with the existing theoretical calculations.