We derive a new approach to the proton-nucleus large angle scattering which accounts in a systematic way for Pauli, binding, and Fermi motion effects. We concentrate here on pd scattering. After antisymmetrization of incident and target protons, the pd amplitude can be separated into (1) the standard multiple scattering series with the last pp amplitude antisymmetrized and (2) a neutron exchange amplitude which includes rescattering terms. The optimal approximation designed to minimize corrections is derived for the antisymmetrized pd amplitude. The single scattering amplitude is factorized into an on-shell (antisymmetrized) pN amplitude and the deuteron form factor, and it is found to play a main role in the large angle pd scattering at sufficiently high energy. The results are applied to analysis of pd elastic scattering data (Tp300 MeV) which are well reproduced by the calculations. This analysis also permits an extraction of the deuteron body form factor for values of q2 which far exceed those measured in ed elastic data.