Senecionine is the main alkaloid of Senecio integerrimus, but a small amount of a new alkaloid, integerrimine (C18H25O5N), was also found. S. longilobus contains longilobine (C18H23O5N) and S. ridellii contains ridelliine (C18H23O6N), both alkaloids being new. In addition to the main alkaloid of S. spartioides, which was identified as seneciphylline, a minor base, spartioidine (C18H23O5N), apparently new, was obtained. Hydrolysis of the new alkaloids that were available in sufficient quantity for this purpose yielded, in all cases, retronecine and a new necic acid. A structural formula for senecic acid is proposed.It has been shown that chemical examination of Senecio spp. may be used as an aid to botanical classification.