Second‐trimester levels of maternal serum unconjugated oestriol and human chorionic gonadotropin in pregnancies affected by fetal anencephaly and open spina bifida

Unconjugated oestriol (uE3) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels were determined in second‐trimester maternal serum (MS) samples from 21 pregnancies associated with fetal anencephaly and 15 pregnancies associated with fetal open spina bifida. Each measurement was expressed as a multiple of the median (MoM) for unaffected pregnancies for each completed week of gestation. In pregnancies associated with anencephaly, the median value for MSuE3 was very low (0–17 MoM, range <0·12–0·33 MoM), suggesting a functional defect in the fetal adrenal prior to 20 weeks' gestation; the median value for MShCG was also low (0–73 MoM), although not to the same extent as for MSuE3. A biological explanation for the hCG result is not apparent. In pregnancies associated with open spina bifida, the MSuE3 and MShCG values were unremarkable, consistent with a lack of involvement of these open fetal defects in the synthesis and secretion of uE3 and hCG.