Evaluation of the AutoSCAN-3, a device for reading microdilution trays

The results of visual reading and automated reading using the AutoSCAN-3 of microdilution trays for determination and interpretation of minimum inhibitory concentrations [MIC] of 471 selected gram-negative and gram-positive clinical bacterial isolates were compared. Visual and automated readings were performed in a double-blind fashion; all discrepancies were examined by a referee. A quantitative comparison of MIC was performed for 201 organisms, yielding 2472 drug-organism combinations. After exclusion of off-scale values, complete quantitative agreement was obtained in 94% of 959 on-scale combinations; agreement within .+-.1 well was obtained in 99.3%. Considering the MIC interpretations routinely furnished by the instrument, a qualitative comparison was performed for all 471 organisms. Complete agreement in interpretation was obtained in 97.6% of 5843 drugs-organism combinations, with very major discrepancies accounting for only 0.1% and major discrepancies accounting for 0.2% of all combinations tested.