Grapevine yellow speckle viroid: structural features of a new viroid group

A single stranded circular RNA was isolated from grapevines infected with yellow speckle disease. The RNA which we have called grapevine yellow speckle viroid (GYSV), contains 367 nucleotide residues and has the potential to form the rod-like secondary structure characteristic of viroids. GYSV has 37% sequence homology with the recently described apple scar skin viroid (ASSV; 330 residues) and has some sequence homology with the viroids in the potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV) group. The sequence of GYSV has characteristics which fit the structural domains described for the PSTV group. However, GYSV lacks the PSTV central conserved sequence. Instead, there is a conserved sequence in the central region of GYSV and ASSV which has the potential to form a stem loop configuration and a stable palindromic structure as does the central conserved region of the PSTV group. These structural features suggest there is a different central conserved region for GYSV and ASSV. The results support the viroid nature of GYSV and its inclusion into a separate viroid group which we suggest should be represented by ASSV.