Mechanisms of Hydrogen Producing Reactions on Palladium

Anodic and cathodic polarization curves for the α‐Pd‐D system were determined on a palladium bielectrode. The equilibrium potential of the electrode was observed as vs. the , reference electrode (Stockholm sign convention), in good agreement with the thermodynamic data of Gillespie and Downs (2). The rate constant of the over‐all deuterium‐ producing reaction on an α‐Pd‐D electrode surface in the linear η vs. region was found to be about one‐half that of the hydrogen‐producing reaction on α‐Pd‐H. In this region, and at constant overvoltage, the rate of transport of protons through the bielectrode was 1.7 times faster than that of deuterons. It was also found that at low current densities 90% of the deuterium formed on the cathode side migrated through the bielectrode and was ionized on the anode side.

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