Observation of electric quadrupole transitions in the fundamental band ofO2in the 1600-cm1region

We have detected the electric quadrupole S(5) and S(7) transitions in the 1-0 band of O216 using a tunable diode laser and a 40-m path of O2 at pressures of 10 to 80 Torr. This is the first observation of quadrupole vibrational transitions in a molecule other than hydrogen. Each transition is observed to be a triple due to the spin splitting of the O2 rotational levels, and the measured separations of the lines, in the 0.02 to 0.04-cm1 range, agree with values derived from microwave spectroscopy of O2. The total integrated intensity of the O2 1-0 quadrupole band was determined to be (1.77 ± 0.63) × 105 cm1/(m amagat). We were not able to detect magnetic-dipole transitions in the band, and thus determined a conservative upper limit of 0.86×105 cm1/(m amagat) for the strength of a magnetic-dipole 1-0 band in O2.