An analysis of the 11 known sex pheromone plasmids of Enterococcus faecalis was performed by DNA-DNA hybridization. Plasmids pAD1, pJH2, and pBEM10 turned out to be closely related, whereas pAM373 showed only weak homology with pAD1. A comparison of the hemolysin/bacteriocin determinants of pAD1, pJH2, and pOB1 revealed strong similarities at the DNA level. Our main finding was that one DNA region is conserved among all sex pheromone plasmids, with pAM373 again being an exception; for pAD1 this region was shown earlier to code for aggreagation substance. Detailed hybridization studies of the genes for this plasmid-coded adhesin, which is responsible for cell-cell contact during conjugative transfer via the so-called sex pheromone system of E. faecalis, support the idea of their common origin.