Urethral Recurrence of Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder

The management of the male urethra after cystectomy for bladder cancer continues to be a dilemma. Patients who undergo a cystectomy require either urinary diversion or bladder substitution. Therefore, the use of the urethra to ensure voiding is important. On the other hand, the probable risk of urethral carcinoma recurrence is generally estimated at approximately 10%. The aim of this study was to assess the predictive value of preoperative urethral biopsies, and of frozen sections during cystoprostatectomy, in patients with invasive bladder cancer. From 1982 to 1986, 118 male patients underwent a cystoprostatectomy for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. All patients underwent endoscopic latero-montanal biopsies 2 weeks preoperatively and urethral frozen cut section during radical prostatocystectomy. Carcinoma was observed in 12 patients on both examinations. All patients underwent en bloc urethrectomy during cystectomy. In the remaining 106 patients, the frozen cut margin was negative (including 9 with positive latero-montanal biopsies), and these patients had the urethra preserved. After a 10-year minimum follow-up, no recurrence was observed in these patients with negative frozen cut-section. No significant risk factors for urethral recurrence were found. Latero-montanal biopsies did not reveal a positive specificity, and this procedure was later abandoned in our institution (in 1986). The urethral frozen section was the only guideline used for simultaneously performing the urethrectomy. All male patients with negative frozen cut sections should be considered candidates for bladder substitution. A prophylactic urethrectomy is only indicated in patients with carcinoma (minimum carcinoma in situ) in the frozen urethral margin section during cystectomy.

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