Diffusion of solutes in agarose and alginate gels: 1H and 23Na PFGSE and 23Na TQF NMR studies

Cells immobilized in gels experience potential metabolic restrictions in the form of reduced diffusion rates of metabolites and ions and their possible selective adsorption on the gel matrix. Diffusion and relaxation characteristics of common solutes in agarose and barium alginate gels were investigated at 37°C by using 1H PFGSE and 23Na TQF NMR spectroscopy. Glucose, glycine, alanine, lactate, sodium ions, and HDO were studied. There were no selective interactions between any of the metabolites and the gel materials but the diffusion coefficients were uniformly reduced. The effects of metabolite diffusion and utilization, in gel beads and threads containing cells, were simulated by using a reaction diffusion model incorporating the measured diffusion coefficients. Metabolism is expected to be very significantly limited by diffusion of solutes to and from the cells that are centrally located within gel threads or spheres of radius ∼2.0 mm, which is a cornmonly used size.