Reduction of phosphate builder in tallow‐based detergent formulations

Laboratory washing tests using two different kinds of standard soiled cotton were made to compare built solutions of hydrogenated tallow alcohol sulfate (HTAS), sodium methylα‐sulfotallowate (NaMeαST) and linear alkylbenzenesulfonate (LAS) in hard water of 300 ppm at 60 C. Most of the experiments were at 0.25% total concentration (0.05% active ingredient plus 0.20% builder). Phosphate reduction, without loss in detergency, can be accomplished in some cases but not in others, depending both upon the detergent and the test cloth. Both cloths have shown with HTAS as the active ingredient, that reduction in phosphate builder is possible without loss in detergency. The effect of other changes in formulation has been determined.