Impact of a light strange-beauty squark onBsmixing and direct search

If one has Abelian flavor symmetry, sRbR mixing could be near maximal. This can drive a “strange-beauty” squark (sb̃1) to be rather light, but still evade the bsγ constraint. Low-energy constraints imply that all other superpartners are at TeV scale, except for a possibly light neutralino, χ̃10. Whether light or heavy, the sb̃1 can impact on the Bs system: ΔmBs and the indirect CP phase, even for Bsφγ. A direct search is similar to the usual b̃bχ̃10, but existing bounds are weakened by the sb̃1sχ̃10 possibility. All of these effects could be studied soon at the Fermilab of Tevatron.