Early expression of vimenti in human mammary cultures

The intermediate filaments of most epithelial cells in vivo consist solely of cytokeratins. Using monoclonal antibodies to vimentin or keratin, we have examined the expression of vimentin in homologous specimens of frozen tissue sections and primary cultures of normal human mammary epithelium. In frozen sections, only epithelial cells reacted with the antikeratin antibody, whereas antivimentin reactivity was associated with stromal cells. All epithelial cultures were positive for cytokeratin and in addition coexpressed vimentin as strongly as cultured fibroblasts and as early as the 4th d after initiation of the culture. Two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis of cytoskeletal preparations of secondary cultures of normal mammary epithelium have also demonstrated the appearance of a moiety identical to the vimentin found in cultured fibroblasts. Our observations are consistent with the hypothesis that vimentin expression is induced, possibly as a result of changes in cell shape or growth rate, when cells are freed from three-dimensional restirctions imposed by the tissue of origin