Post-Stroke Spasticity Management with Repeated Botulinum Toxin Injections in the Upper Limb

Although the botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) treatment has proved effective in spasticity management, no information is available with regard to the effects of repeated injections over time. To evaluate the effects of BTX-A on moderate or severe upper limb spasticity, an exploratory investigation was performed on 28 stroke patients treated for 2 yr or longer and observed for 3 yr. Every 3 to 5 mo, each patient received BTX-A injections in upper limb muscles. The assessment, performed before and 1 mo after each injection for a median of 28 mo, included technical and functional objectives and the burden of care. The former were evaluated by using the modified Ashworth Scale for spasticity and the goniometric measurement of rest position and range of motion; functional objectives were evaluated by means of the Frenchay Arm Test and a patient/caregiver goals assessment scale. BTX-A treatment was followed by an improvement in all technical outcome measures. Motor dexterity scores improved in only 8 of 28 patients, vs. daily living activities, which increased in all subjects. Although the average dosage injected per session did not change, intervals between injections became longer. No relationship between either spasticity onset or residual motoricity and response to treatment could be found. This investigation is relevant clinically because repeated BTX-A injections show unchanging effectiveness in the management of focal spasticity after stroke.