Distribution of transforming growth factor‐β isoforms in the mammalian retina

The distribution of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) was examined in the posterior segment of the monkey, human, and feline eye using antisera to TGF-β, TGF-β, or TGF-β. A number of different antibodies, tissue processing methods, immunolocalization techniques, and microscopic imaging systems were used in an attempt to gain a more comprehensive picture of TGF-β isoform distribution in the retina and retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE). The results are generally consistent in identifying one or more of the three TGF-β isoforms in the cytoplasm of a small, overlapping subset of cells. RPE cells, photoreceptors, Mueller cells, ganglion cells, hyalocytes, and cells associated with choroidal and retinal vessels are all represented in this immunoreactive population. No evidence of extracellular labeling was noted. The intracellular distribution of the three isoforms is distinctly different in photoreceptors. Anti-TGF-β precursor and anti-TGF-β immunoreactivity is confined primarily to rod outer segments, whereas anti-TGF-β immunoreactivities are restricted to mitochondria within inner segments. In the RPE, clusters of anti-TCF-β positive cytoplasmic granules are located near the cells' lateral borders, whereas anti-TGF-β labeling is concentrated apically. These results provide baseline information from which new hypotheses regarding the function(s) of TGF-β isoforms in the retina can be formulated.