The Scattering of Neutrons of Energy between 12.0 Mev and 13.0 Mev by Protons

The angular distribution of the recoil protons projected during the scattering of neutrons by protons has been investigated in a methane-filled, high pressure cloud chamber. A deuterium gas target bombarded with 10 Mev deuterons provided the high energy neutron source. The spectrum of the neutrons from this source, which entered the cloud chamber through a collimator, was surveyed and showed a group of high energy neutrons superimposed on a continuous background. Examination of the data with rigorous selection criteria to determine those recoils projected by the scattering of neutrons between 12.0 Mev and 13.0 Mev yielded a total of 1573 recoil protons. The azimuthal and recoil angle distributions of these protons have been analyzed. A ratio of the differential cross sections for neutron scattering in the backward direction to scattering in a direction perpendicular to that of the incident neutron beam, of unity (spherically symmetric scattering) or slightly greater than unity can be consistent with these data.

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