Taxol influences control of protofilament number at microtubule-nucleating sites in Drosophila

Control of protofilament number has been investigated using Drosophila wings at a stage when 15-protofilament microtubules assemble under normal conditions. Microtubule nucleation still progressed at the usual microtubule-nucleating sites in the presence of taxol. However, provided taxol was introduced before microtubule nucleation began, few microtubules with 15 protofilaments assembled. Most microtubules were composed of 12 protofilaments (a previously undetected value for Drosophila) or 13 protofilaments (which is the value for microtubules in most eukaryotic cells). Unexpectedly, a comparatively mild challenge to control of nucleation (in vitro wing culture) also promoted assembly of 13-protofilament microtubules. Hence, the microtubule-nucleating sites may possess a relatively labile control specifying 15 protofilaments superimposed upon that for maintaining 13-protofilament fidelity.