60 GHz Linearly And Circularly Polarized Antenna Arrays On Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrate.

In this paper, we present for the first time 60 GHz linearly and circularly polarized patch antenna arrays that have been fabricated on an organic substrate and characterized. The chosen series fed topology provides wide fan-beam radiation pattern as well as high gain. Simulation results have been validated by measurements. The fabricated antennas exhibit l0 dB return loss bandwidth (VSWR < 2) greater than 2 GHz, which makes them very attractive for gigabit wireless systems. A simplified power link measurement method has been utilized to validate the gain of the antenna arrays. The gain of a 1-by-4 linearly polarized, 1-by-2 and 2-by-2 circularly polarized antenna arrays have been measured to be about 12dBi, 8dBi and 11dBi respectively. Theses results demonstrate the great potential of liquid crystal polymer for 60 GHz antennas

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