A high speed electro-optic phase shifter based on a polymer-infiltrated P-S-N diode capacitor.

A polymer-infiltrated P-S-N diode capacitor configuration is proposed and a high speed electro-optic phase shifter based on a silicon organic hybrid platform is designed and modeled. The structure enables fast carrier depletion in addition to the second order nonlinearity so that a large electro-optic overlapped volume is achievable. Moreover, the device speed can be significantly improved with the introduction of free carriers due to a reduced experienced transient capacitance. The advantages of the diode capacitor structure are highly suitable for application to a class of low aspect ratio slot waveguides where the RC limitation of the radio frequency response is minimized. According to our numerical results, by optimizing both the waveguide geometry and polarization mode, at least 269 GHz 3-dB bandwidth with high efficiency of 5.5 V-cm is achievable. More importantly, the device does not rely on strong optical confinement within the nano-slot, a feature that gives considerable tolerance in the use of nano-fabrication techniques. Finally, the high overlap and energy efficiency of the device can be applied to slow light or optical resonance media for realizing photonic integrated circuits-based green photonics.