Proton magnetic resonance study of classical reorientations and tunneling in LiNH4SO4

Nuclear magnetic resonance studies have been made of the protons and lithiums in LiNH4SO4 at temperatures below 285 K. The proton line shape at 4.2 K has shown that tunneling rotation of the NH+4 ion around one of its C2 axes is favored over the others. Additional tunneling around threefold axes is also present. The ground torsional level structure of the NH+4 ion has been determined. The classical reorientations of the two nonequivalent NH+4 groups can be described as simultaneous two and threefold reorientations with estimated activation energies ranging from 1.0 to 1.6 kcal/mol. Slight differences in activation energies have been observed during cooling and heating cycles below 133 K. The 7Li relaxation time is determined to a large extent by the reorientations of the NH+4 ions. Evidence has been found that the phase transition at 133 K is accompanied by a slight rearrangement of the Li–O–S skeleton.