Rotational Levels in a Simple Shell Model Configuration

Systems of (j12(proton), j2±2(neutron)) configurations are examined for the purpose of studying the role of neutron-proton correlation. Residual interactions of δ+QQ type are assumed. Protons and neutrons are strongly coupled by the attractive neutron-proton interaction (both short range and long range) which causes rotational features with the axial symmetry in two-proton and two-neutron systems. However, because the coupling of protons with neutron holes is weak, this leads the two-proton and two-neutron hole system to show no rotational property with the axial symmetry. In the former system, the ground K=0+ band and also an excited K=1+ band appear, provided that j1 and j2 are large and the QQ interaction is strong. Exact wave functions of the ground band members and K=1+ band members are very similar to projected states from intrinsic wave functions given by the aligned coupling scheme.

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