This study treats of the progress in the milk production of a cow during a single lactation, and the relation of this trend to various factors associated with the particular lactation. The analysis is based on the monthly milk production records of all cows having six or more lactations, in a single large herd of pure-bred Jerseys. The herd provided records on ninety-nine such cows having a total of 679 lactations. Since the trend in the amount of milk produced in a lactation may be described by a simple exponential curve, this equation was fitted to the first 8-months’ production records for each of the 679 lactations. From these curves, constants were obtained which measure for each lactation: the theoretical initial yield; the decline of milk yield with time, or in other words the persistency rate; and the scatter of the observed monthly yields about the smooth curve. It is these constants which were studied relative to certain general and biological factors.

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