Prospective Outcome Analysis of a Protocol for the Surgical and Rehabilitative Management of Burns to the Hands

Treatment protocols for the management of burned hands are essential for integrating team efforts and achieving optimal functional results. Standard protocols are especially useful during mass casualty incidents, when the admission of multiple patients with large burns and/or associated injuries may reduce the priority usually accorded the hands. We prospectively evaluated a surgical and rehabilitative treatment protocol for burned hands during a mass casualty incident, after which 43 burn patients with 82 burned hands were admitted to one burn center. Soft-tissue management was individualized to achieve, if possible, wound closure within 14 days, and included the use of topical antimicrobials, cutaneous debridement and/or tangential excision, biologic dressings, and splitthickness autografts. Range of motion therapy was based on daily measurement of active motion of the metacarpophalangeal joints. Static splinting alternating with continuous passive motion every 4 hours was utilized for sedated patients. Continuous passive motion alternating with active ranging and night splinting was utilized for metacarpophalangeal flexion 70 degrees. Sixty-four hands required excision and grafting, with 89 percent having at least one autografting procedure completed by postburn day 16. Total active motion of the hands treated averaged 220.6 degrees on discharge and 229.9 degrees at 3 months after injury. Mean hand grip strength was 60.8 pounds at discharge and 66.0 pounds at 3 months after injury. Adherence to a standard hand burn protocol resulted in timely wound coverage and recovery of hand function for a large group of patients treated at a single burn facility after a mass casualty incident. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 100: 1442, 1997.)

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