Elastic Scattering of 30.3-MeV Polarized Protons fromNi58,Sn120, andPb208

Results are presented for the elastic scattering of 30.3-MeV polarized protons from targets of Ni58, Sn120, and Pb208. The angular region from 10 to 165° is covered with an absolute accuracy in the polarization measurements of about 0.01. The data, together with corresponding differential cross-section data previously reported, are analyzed using the optical model. Two forms of the model are used: (1) the standard version with independent geometries and ten parameters; and (2) the folding version of Greenlees, Pyle, and Tang with eight parameters. Good fits to the data are obtained, particularly for Pb208. Evidence is presented to support the suggestion that such models are most satisfactory for large nuclei (Pb208), and that for smaller nuclei (Sn120 and Ni58) second-order corrections ignored in the model are playing a nonnegligible role.