Learning and retention of computer-related vocabulary in memory-impaired patients: Method of vanishing cues

Several investigators have suggested that microcomputers might serve as useful external aids for memory-impaired patients. However, knowledge of basic computer vocabulary may be necessary for patients to use and benefit from a microcomputer. The present paper describes a procedure, the method of vanishing cues, which facilitated the acquisition of computer-related vocabulary in four memory-impaired patients. The method involves the systematic reduction of letter fragments of to-be-learned words across trials. Although learning was slow and strongly dependent on first-letter cues, all patients acquired a substantial amount of the vocabulary and eventually were able to produce the target words in the absence of fragment cues. Further, they retained the vocabulary over a 6-week interval and showed some transfer of the knowledge they had acquired. These findings suggest that memory-impaired patients may eventually be able to use a microcomputer as a prosthetic device.