Radiographic prediction of failure after fixation of cervical hip fracture

During 1984-1985, 410 patients with cervical hip fracture were randomized between 2 methods of internal fixation–a single nail (Rydell) or 2 LIH hook pins (LIH). The patients were followed-up prospectively for at least 2 years. Radiographs were taken after 1 week, 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. The radiographs of the 295 paients alive 2 years postoperatively were examined by one of the authors. The sliding and the diversion of the pins and the nail in the anteroposterior projection and the diversion in the lateral projection were measured. In the failure group (non-union, late segmental collapse), the greatest sliding was noted within 1 month postoperatively and the diversion increased up to 3 months. Significant differences between the failure and the non-failure groups could be seen even after 1 week. We also found that the degree of sliding of the LIH pins and the Rydell nail 1 month postoperatively is comparable to the scintigraphic pattern 2 weeks postoperatively in predicting failure after nternal fixation of cervical hip fractures.