Pesticides in water and fish from rivers flowing into Lake Biwa

Surveys of pesticides were performed for water and fish samples obtained from seven rivers flowing into Lake Biwa. The field data on accumulation and excretion of pesticides by pale chub (Zacco platypus) and ayu sweetfish (Plecoglossus allivelis) were compared with the laboratory experimental data on willow shiner (Gnathopogon caerulescens) in our previous reports. The bioconcentration factors (BCF) of pesticides in the field could not be satisfactorily estimated from the experimental data due to the difference of fish species. However, the order of BCF calculated from the field data (CNP > oxadiazon > benthio‐carb > diazinon > IBP > simetryne) was almost same to that for willow shiner (CNP > oxadiazon > diazinon > benthiocarb > IBP > simetryne). Further, it has become apparent from the field data that these pesticides are rapidly excreted from pale chub and ayu sweetfish after stopping their use. These results were consistent with the experimental data for willow shiner showing rapid excretion rates of these pesticides.