Stopping powers and range curves for approximately 5—90-MeV beams of S32, Cl35, Br79, and I127 in H2, He, N2, Ar, and Kr are presented. Polynomial fits to the range curves followed by differentiation showed the ΔEΔX measurements to be equivalent to dEdX to within experimental uncertainties. The experimental stopping powers are estimated to have errors no greater than ±3% for S32 and Cl35, ±4% for Br79, and ±5% for I127. Integral ranges should be accurate to ±1% or better. Small corrections for nuclear stopping were applied to the stopping powers, and the resulting stopping powers were analyzed in terms of fractional effective charge, defined as the quotient of the charge giving the correct stopping power in the Bethe equation to the nuclear charge, using experimental proton stopping powers. The same was done for published heavy-ion stopping powers in solids (Be, C, Al, Ni, Ag, and Au); and the fractional effective charges γ were compared against a reduced velocity parameter vr=v(v0Z23), where v is the ion laboratory velocity and v0Z23 is the Thomas-Fermi electron velocity. All data so analyzed fell on a single smooth curve of γ versus vr to ±3%, with the exception of some of the data taken in H2. The curve may be parametrized as γ=[1exp(0.95vr)]. For the reduced velocity region vr0.1, electronic stopping powers may be computed from the semiempirical relationship (dEdX)Z,A,E=(dEdX)p,EAZ2[1exp(0.95vr)]2[1