Analysis of pinning inNdBa2Cu3O7δsuperconductors

Current densities js and volume pinning forces Fp are obtained in a wide temperature (5<~T<~92K) and field range (0<~μ0Ha<~9T) on different NdBa2Cu3O7δ samples. Above 60 K a good scaling of the volume pinning force Fp versus the reduced field h=Ha/Hirr can be established. The scaled pinning curves are compared to several theoretical predictions. Experimental evidence for strong pinning at extended superconducting defects (interaction volume Vpinξ2d) is given. These defects are ascribed to spatial composition fluctuations found in light rare-earth superconductors, providing a scatter of the transition temperature Tc. Such a pinning mechanism is especially important for applications of high-Tc superconductors operating at T=77K.