We study in this series the group theoretical structure of Fermion many-body systems arising from the canonical anticommutation relation of the annihilation-creation operators. Owing to the canonical anticommutation relation, a Fermion system with N single particle states has at least six Lie algebras of Fermion operators, a U(N), an SO(2N), an SO(2N+1), an SO(2N+2) and two U(N+1) Lie algebras. There are also two Clifford algebras of 2N and 2N+1 dimensions. The Fermion space is shown to belong to the spinor representations of the SO(2N), SO(2N+1) and SO(2N+2) groups. The canonical transformations generated by the U(N), SO(2N) and SO(2N+1) Lie algebras are characterized as the transformations to induce the linear U(N), SO(2N) and SO(2N+1) transformations for the Clifford algebras. The independent (quasi-) particle type wave functions of three kinds including the Hartree-Fock and Hartree-Bogoliubov wave functions are constructed by means of the canonical transformations and their relationship is studied. We derive three exact generator coordinate representations for state vectors in which the generator coordinates are the U(N), SO(2N) or SO(2N+1) group and the generating functions are the independent (quasi-) particle type wave functions. We characterize the structures of state vectors in the generator coordinate representations and study the relationship of the three representations.

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