Relationship of Field Independence and Dogmatism with an Hierarchically Arranged Concept Learning Task

23 Ss were administered the Dogmatism Scale (D), an Embedded-figures Test (EFT), and a modification of the Heidbreder conceptual learning task. A multiple regression analysis tested the influence of field independence, dogmatism, and their interaction with the first trial on which S identified every instance of a general concept serving as the criterion. It was predicted that: (1) object concepts would be easier than design concepts and these would be easier than number concepts; (2) field-independent Ss would experience less difficulty with the design and number concepts; (3) field-independent Ss who were also open-minded would require fewer trials for all concepts, whereas field-dependent closed-minded Ss would experience the greatest difficulty with all concepts. Hypotheses were supported differentially for object, design, and number concepts.