Characteristics of the statistical distribution of the current transmitted by a cathode spot of a vacuum arc in variously oriented magnetic fields

The influence of variously oriented uniform magnetic fields on the cathodic attachment of a low-current vacuum arc with electrodes made of oxygen-free copper and CuCr30 composition is studied. It is found that, if the current is fixed, cathode spots in the arc attachment are distributed by the normal law in the entire range of variation of the amplitude of magnetic induction vector B and angle α between this vector and the normal to the cathode surface. The parameters of the distribution depend on the magnetic field and cathode material. The magnetic field dependence is appreciable only when angle α exceeds some critical value α* (α* ≈ 30° and ≈45° for cathodes made of copper and CuCr30, respectively). At α > α*, the parameters of the distribution become strongly dependent on α, while the B dependence remains weak. Only when α → π/2 does the field amplitude have a pronounced effect on the parameters of the distribution. From the obtained results, we determine the statistical characteristics of the distribution of the mean current transmitted by a cathode spot in variously oriented magnetic fields. The found relationships make it possible to explain the peculiarities of the structure of the cathodic attachment of the high-current vacuum arc stabilized by an external axial magnetic field.