Enhancement of Cell Killing by Induction of Apoptosis after Treatment with Mild Hyperthermia at 42°C and Cisplatin

Ohtsubo, T., Igawa, H., Saito, T., Matsumoto, H., Park, H. J., Song, C. W., Kano, E. and Saito, H. Enhancement of Cell Killing by Induction of Apoptosis after Treatment with Mild Hyperthermia at 42 degrees C and Cisplatin. Radiat. Res. 156, 103-109 (2001). We examined the interactive effects of cisplatin (1.0 microg/ml) combined with hyperthermia on cell killing and on the induction of apoptosis in IMC-3 human maxillary carcinoma cells. The cytotoxic effects of hyperthermia on IMC-3 cells at 44 degrees C were greater than at 42 degrees C, as has been reported for many other cells. The induction of apoptosis, DNA fragmentation and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage were greater after hyperthermia at 44 degrees C for 30 min compared with treatment at 42 degrees C for 105 min, even though both of these heat doses were isoeffective in reducing cell survival to 50%. Treatment with cisplatin at 37 degrees C for up to 120 min did not result in cytotoxicity or the induction of apoptosis. The enhancement ratio for treatment with cisplatin at 42 degrees C was greater than that at 44 degrees C. More apoptosis was induced after the treatment with cisplatin at 42 degrees C compared to treatment with cisplatin at 44 degrees C. Taking these findings together, the combination of cisplatin and hyperthermia at 42 degrees C appeared to be more effective than cisplatin with hyperthermia at 44 degrees C for the induction of apoptosis in IMC-3 cells.