Spectroscopic Analysis of the Dark Relaxation Process of a Photocycle in a Sensor of Blue Light using FAD (BLUF) Protein Slr1694 of the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803

Slr1694 is a BLUF (sensor of blue light using flavin adenine dinucleotide) protein and a putative photoreceptor in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Illumination of Slr1694 induced a signaling light state concurrent with a red shift in the UV-visible absorption of flavin, and formation of the bands from flavin and apo-protein in the light-minus-dark Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectrum. Replacement of Tyr8 with phenylalanine abolished these changes. The light state relaxed to the ground dark state, during which the FTIR bands decayed monophasically. These bands were classifiable into three groups according to their decay rates. The C4=O stretching bands of a flavin isoalloxazine ring had the highest decay rate, which corresponded to that of the absorption red shift. The result indicated that the hydrogen bonding at C4=O is responsible for the UV-visible red shift, consistent with the results of density functional calculation. All FTIR bands and the red shift decayed at the same slower rate in deuterated Slr1694. These results indicated that the dark relaxation from the light state is limited by proton transfer. In contrast, a constrained light state formed under dehydrated conditions decayed much more slowly with no deuteration effects. A photocycle mechanism involving the proton transfer was proposed.