5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) cream was compared with podophyllin 25% in alcohol for treating genital and urethral condylomata acuminata. The cure rate after 4 wk was 6 of 18 patients treated with 5-FU and 10 of 19 treated with podophyllin. By changing the treatment for those not cured, warts regressed after 4 wk in 4 more patients in each group. Patients were followed-up for 4-9 mo.; 10 of 27 treated with 5-FU and 14 of 31 treated with podophyllin remained in remission. It is not possible to support earlier reports on the successful treatment of meatal warts using 5-FU cream. More than half of the patients given 5-FU reported side effects after 10-14 days'' treatment, which in some cases led them to stop using the cream. Twenty-one men considered to be treatment failures or relapses were examined by urethroscopy. No intraurethral condylomata were found but 3 cases of warts in the fossa navicularis were discovered.