Wavelength Measurement of an H2CO-Stabilized He-Xe Laser at 3.51 µm

The vacuum wavelength of an H2CO (51,5(ground state)→60,6(v5=1))-stabilized He-Xe laser was measured with respect to the CH4-stabilized He-Ne laser at 3.39 µm by using a pressure-scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer. The average valueλ̄H2COof the vacuum wavelength obtained was 3 507 979.48 pm. The standard deviation σn-1was 0.39 pm with an accuracy of σn-1/λ̄H2CO=1.1×10-7. The estimated values of the systematic errors were -0.24 pm≦ΔλH2CO,1≦0, ΔλH2CO,2=0.004 pm, and ΔλH2CO,3=0.02 pm, respectively, where ΔλH2CO,1, ΔλH2CO,2, and ΔλH2CO,3represent the errors caused by diffraction, nonparallelism between the interferometer mirrors, and nonparallelism between the two laser beams, respectively.