Digital computer simulation for solving management problems of conjunctive groundwater and surface water systems

In river basins where aquifers are intimately associated with streams, the unrestricted development of groundwater can reduce streamflows and hence jeopardize the rights to the flow of surface water. A simulation model to aid in the solution of such problems was developed. The model is composed of (1) a hydrologic model that represents the physical response of the stream‐aquifer system to changes in river flows, diversions, and pumping and treats streamflow as a stochastic input and (2) an economic model that represents the response of irrigation water users to variations in water supply and cost. These elements were incorporated into a decision framework so that the net income to the water resource system associated with alternative management schemes could be measured. The results of operating the model with parameters representing conditions in the South Platte Valley of eastern Colorado under alternative institutional and hydrologic conditions are reported.

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