Inter- and intraoperator reliability of brain tissue measures using magnetic resonance imaging

Grey matter, white matter and cerebrospinal volume in the human brain were measured using magnetic resonance image analysis software BRAINS. Ten volunteers were scanned in the MR sequence (3D-SPGR; 1.5-mm slice thickness and T2 images; 3mm slice thickness). Two operators obtained ten volume measures of grey matter,white matter and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the intracranial box, frontal box, temporal box, parietal box and occipital box. The same data set of ten scans was segmented and the volumes measured on a second occasion by one operator using the same procedure. The interoperator and intraoperator reliabilities for measures of the three brain tissues were very good, with reliability coefficients (intraclass correlation coefficients) ranging between 0.971 and 0.999. The segmentation and measurement are useful for volumetric studies in the human brain using BRAINS.