Turkey's Coal Reserves, Potential Trends and Pollution Problems of Turkey

Turkey, for nearly two decades, has been one of the fastest growing power markets in the world. Turkey's total energy consumption, around half is used by the industrial sector, a quarter in residential, and the rest in transportation and commercial. Turkey's domestic energy consumption has more than tripled, reaching a level of 3.2 quadrillion Btu (quads) and coal accounted for 31% of total energy consumption in year 2000. Turkey's coal reserves are 0.6% of the world reserves. Rich lignite deposits are spread all over the country. Total lignite reserves are estimated at 8075 Mtoe, of which 7339 Mtoe (88%) is economically feasible. Lignite extraction is expected to increase as the government feels pressure to close down unprofitable hard coal mines that are geologically difficult, increasing the cost of extraction.