search for single photons from radiative neutrino or supersymmetric-particle production

A search for single photons produced in association with neutrinos or other weakly interacting neutral particles has been performed in e+e annihilations at s=29 GeV with the MAC detector at the SLAC e+e storage ring PEP. One event is observed, with 1.1 events expected from the reaction e+eνν¯γ. The number of neutrino families is restricted to Nν<17 at the 90% confidence level. Limits on possible masses of supersymmetric electrons (ẽ) and photons (γ̃) are presented. The ẽ mass limit is mẽ>48 GeV/c2 at the 90% confidence level if mẽL=mẽR and mγ̃=0. If mẽL>>mẽR, the corresponding limit is mẽR>40 GeV/c2.