Sudden Coronary Death in Scandinavia

All cases of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and sudden death due to coronary heart disease have been registered in two Swedish and two Finnish cities during a 1‐year period. The incidence increased steeply with age in both sexes and was in all age groups far higher in males than in females. The age‐related incidence in both Finnish cities was definitely higher than in Gothenburg, Sweden, while the other Swedish register city, Boden, had an intermediate position. The case: fatality rate within one year was 44.2% for males and 37.4% for females. This difference was already apparent in the first hour after the onset of the attack, when the case: fatality rate was 15.5% for males and 9.3% for females. A history of previous cardiovascular disease was much more common in AMI patients than in the general population. It was also slightly more common in subjects who died suddenly than in AMI patients who did not die suddenly.