Determination of Linuron in Potatoes Using Capillary Column Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

A convenient method for the determination of the JV-methyl,iVmethoxy- phenylurea herbicide (linuron) in potatoes has been developed. The herbicide is extracted from potatoes using a slightly modifled Luke multiresidue procedure. The extract is analyzed directly by gas chromatography with cold on-column injection, using an ion trap mass spectrometer in the chemical ionization mode as the detector. Quantitation is performed using p-bromonitrobenzene as the internal standard. The limit of detection is 0.1 ppm. Recoveries of linuron in potatoes averaged 112 ± 6% at the 0.5 ppm level, and 110 ± 2% at the 0.2 ppm level. No linuron residues were found in 25 potato samples that were analyzed by this method. Two other iV-methyl,iV-methoxyphenylurea herbicides, metobromuron and chlorbromuron, are also sufficiently stable to be determined by this method, but the N,Ndialkyl- phenylurea herbicides neburon, diuron, and monuron are too thermally unstable and degrade in the gas chromatograph.

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