Activation Cross Sections for (n, p), [(n, np)+(n, pn)+(n, d)], and (n, α) Reactions in the Region of Z=40 to 58 at 14.4 MeV

The following activation cross sections (in mb) for the (n, p), [(n, np)+(n, pn)+(n, d)] and (n, α) reactions in the region of Z=4058 have been determined at 14.4±0.3 MeV by using the mixed powder method with Ge(Li) γ-ray detection: Zr90(n, p)Y90m (3.1 h), 12.9±1.0; Zr91(n, p)Y91m (50.3 min), 18.6±1.9; Zr92(n, p)Y92 (3.53 h), 18.5±2.7; Mo92(n, p)Mb92m (10.1 day), 62.5±4.0; Mo96(n, p)Nb96 (23.35 h), 21.3±1.5; Mo97(n, p)Nb97m (1 min), 7.4±0.8; Mo97(n, p)Nb97g (72 min), 8.5±1.0; Mo98(n, p)Nb98g (51 min), 4.1±0.5; Ru96(n, p)Tc96 (4.35 day), 146±7; Rh103(n, p)Ru103 (39.5 day), 16.9±1.5; Pd105(n, p)Rh105 (35.9 h), 37.6±2.0; Pd106(n, p)Rh106m (130 min), 6.0±0.4; Pd106(n, p)Ru106g (30 sec), 18±4; Pd108(n, p)