Clostridium difficileIStron CdISt1: Discovery of a Variant Encoding Two Complete Transposase-Like Proteins

Screening aClostridium difficilestrain collection for the chimeric element CdISt1, we identified two additional variants, designated CdISt1-0 and CdISt1-III. In in vitro assays, we could prove the self-splicing ribozyme activity of these variants. Structural comparison of all known CdISt1variants led us to define four types of IStrons that we designated CdISt1-0 through CdISt1-III. Since CdISt1-0 encodes two complete transposase-like proteins (TlpA and TlpB), we suggest that it represents the original genetic element, hypothesized before to have originated by fusion of a group I intron and an insertion sequence element.