Structure of a novel InsP3 receptor.

Inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate (InsP3) constitutes a major intracellular second messenger that transduces many growth factor and neurotransmitter signals. InsP3 causes the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores by binding to specific receptors that are coupled to Ca2+ channels. One such receptor from cerebellum has previously been extensively characterized. We have now determined the full structure of a second, novel InsP3 receptor which we refer to as type 2 InsP3 receptor as opposed to the cerebellar type 1 InsP3 receptor. The type 2 InsP3 receptor has the same general structural design as the cerebellar type 1 InsP3 receptor with which it shares 69% sequence identity. Expression of the amino‐terminal 1078 amino acids of the type 2 receptor demonstrates high affinity binding of InsP3 to the type 2 receptor with a similar specificity but higher affinity than observed for the type 1 receptor. These results demonstrate the presence of several types of InsP3 receptor in brain and raise the possibility that intracellular Ca2+ signaling may involve multiple pathways with different regulatory properties dependent on different InsP3 receptors.