Vascular Surgery in Senescence Carotid Endarterectomy in Patients over 70 Years

In order to evaluate the immediate and long-term results of carotid endar terectomy in patients over seventy years of age, 54 patients undergoing a total of 59 surgical procedures were followed for a mean time of forty-three months. There was no operative mortality. Perioperative central neurological complica tions developed in 18 patients (33%), 9 (17%) of whom suffered permanent neurological deficits. During the follow-up period we found an annual stroke rate of 5% according to life table arialysis. The five-year survival rate was 67%. At termination of follow-up or before death, 85% of the patients lived indepen dently in their own homes. Compared with younger age groups, carotid endar terectomy in senescence yielded poorer results in terms of immediate and late neurological status. The old patients had, however, the same life expectancy as a contemporary age- and sex-matched population and had to a remarkable degree been able to maintain an independent life.