Dilemmas associated with antenatally detected urinary tract abnormalities.

Over a five year period 55 fetuses had abnormalities of the urinary tract detected by antenatal ultrasound scan. The incidence was 1:935 total births during a one year prospective study. Intrauterine intervention was undertaken in five for suspected obstructive uropathy, which was confirmed in only two. Of 51 live born infants, five died (two with renal failure), and only 18 (35%) had a clinically detectable abnormality at birth. Twenty seven patients underwent postnatal operations, the remainder being treated conservatively. Antenatal counseling was seldom undertaken by those responsible for the postnatal care. There were many instances of prospective parents receiving little or inappropriate information. Greater cooperation is required between all the staff concerned particularly as the natural history and appropriate postnatal management of some urinary tract abnormalities are still not known.